Instructions for Authors

Adopted: October 25, 2023

Journal of Innovative Medical Technology (J Innov Med Technol, JIMT) is an official journal of the Korean Innovative Medical Technology Society and published biannually on the 30th of May and November. As JIMT is an Open Access journal, accepted peer-reviewed articles are freely available on the journal website.

The journal publishes manuscripts that promote academic and technological advancements in medical technology innovation, knowledge exchange, education, and industrial technology development. The types of manuscripts published include original article, review, commentaries, case reports, brief communications, editorials, and image of the month, other articles approved by the Publication Committee. Review articles and image of the month are limited to manuscripts requested by the editorial board.

  • Authorship requires the author to make significant contributions to the article's conception and design, data acquisition, or data analysis and interpretation. The author must also participate in the final approval of the article for publication. Once submitted, the article's authors can't be changed.
  • If there are any conflicts of interest relevant to the paper, the author must disclose them within the paper.
  • If there is a discrepancy between the items listed in the "Checklist for Article Submission" and the actual article received, the article may be returned without review. The author may be asked to resubmit the manuscript after ensuring compliance with the submission rules. Furthermore, if discrepancies in the submission rules and authorship are discovered even after the article has been published, the editorial board may choose to withdraw the article.
  • If the submitted manuscript is accepted for publication and published in this journal, the copyright of the published article will belong to the Korean Innovative Medical Technology Society. Therefore, if the review results are published, the corresponding author must submit a "copyright transfer agreement" signed by all co-authors through the online submission system.

This journal follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, and the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors ( in its review and handling procedures for all matters related to research ethics. This includes ethical regulations and issues such as plagiarism, duplicate publication, and research misconduct. Once recognized to have violated the research ethics regulations, author(s) should expect some actions to be taken. Author(s) may be subjected to warning, manuscript submission limitation, etc. And the editorial board may announce the fact to his/her institution and other relevant bodies. If the editorial board is not aware of the violations and the article has already been published, then a notice about this will probably be published with or without the author’s explanation or approval. And the Journal follows the COPE Flowcharts ( for resolving cases of suspected misconduct.

  • Research involving humans, or the use of human data must adhere to the principles of informed consent and undergo review and approval by an institutional review board (IRB). Human subjects research should be conducted in line with the Declaration of Helsinki. For experiments involving animals, the manuscript should indicate that the research has been reviewed by an international animal care and use committee (IACUC). When referring to patients, their identities should not be disclosed or abbreviated. In the case of submitting photographs of patients, their identities should be obscured. If there is even a possibility that the patient's identity could be revealed, written consent must be obtained.
  • Authors must meet all four of the following criteria, as recommended by the ICMJE: (1) Substantial contribution to the conception or design of the research; or acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data (2) Writing the article or critically reviewing it for important intellectual content (3) Approval of the final version before publication (4) Responsibility for properly investigating and resolving issues related to the accuracy or veracity of the research. During the submission, review, and publication process of a manuscript, the corresponding author is primarily responsible for communicating with the journal and completing all documentation related to the submission process. This includes providing author details, research ethics review, clinical trial registration, and conflicts of interest information.
  • Disclosure of conflicts of interest: Authors should transparently disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the outcome of the study. This includes financial relationships, personal relationships, research competitions, or intellectual interests. Even if the author believes that these factors have not influenced the writing of the paper, they should still be disclosed. Additionally, all sources of funding for the research should be clearly stated.
  • Researchers should have control over all stages of research design, including the analysis of results. However, they may choose not to publish a research paper if the funder has the right to control the publication of the author's research report.
  • Patient privacy and informed consent: In any form, a paper must not include personal information that could reveal the identity of a patient. However, if patient personal information is necessary for scientific purposes, it must be explained to the patient, parent, or family, and written 'informed consent' must be obtained before publication.
  • Principles on duplicate publication: No manuscript may be published if it is identical or similar to a manuscript already published or scheduled for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts published in this journal cannot be published in other journals, and multiple or duplicate publications can only be made if they meet the requirements specified in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Ann Intern Med 1997;126:36-47). However, abstract or poster presentations are not considered duplicate publications. If duplicate publications are discovered, authors may face penalties according to the rules of the journal.

Manuscripts must be submitted via the journal's online submission system ( All reviews will take place through this system. Consultations via telephone and email are also available. There is no fee for article submission.

I. Language

  • Write in Korean or English.
  • Academic terms should be written in accordance with the glossary found in the "Medical Terminology" published by the Korean Medical Association.
  • Use the original language for medical terms, proper names, drug names, units, etc., for which there is no suitable translation.
  • If a translated word exists but the meaning is not clear, the original language is written in round brackets after the translated word the first time the term appears, and only the translation is used thereafter.
  • Arabic numerals are used for numbers, metric for measurements, and all units are in International System of Units (SI).
  • When mentioning the equipment, reagents, and chemicals used in the research, it is necessary to specify the manufacturer, city, and nationality within parentheses.

II. Original article

  • All manuscript files should be double-spaced on A4 paper using the Microsoft Word program. The font size should be 10-point. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 3,000 words, excluding references.
  • The manuscript should include the following sections: title, abstract, keywords, main body, references, tables, and figure legends.
  • Cover Page
    1) The title of the paper, names of all authors, and affiliations should be written in both Korean and English on the cover page. The Korean title should be within 50 characters, and the English title should be within 35 words, including subheadings.
    2) If there are authors with different affiliations, the main research institution should be listed first, followed by other institutions indicated with Arabic numerals after the author's name. Authors should be listed in order of their contribution to the paper. English names should be written with the surname at the end, followed by the final degree.
    3) The corresponding author's name, affiliation, address, email, and ORCID should be listed at the bottom of the cover page.
  • Abstract
    The abstract should be written in English on a separate page from the main body. It should not exceed 250 words and should briefly and clearly describe the purpose, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study in one paragraph each, including specific data.
    1) Even for Korean manuscripts, the abstract should be written in English.
    2) For original manuscripts, the following structure should be followed: Background, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Keywords
    Provide no more than 5 keywords at the bottom of the abstract. The keywords should be based on Medical Subject Heading (MeSH), and the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized.
  • The body should be written in the following structural order.
    • 1) Introduction: Clearly and concisely state the purpose of the study, including only relevant background information. Avoid duplicating content from the results or conclusions sections.
    • 2) Materials and Methods: In this section, describe the plan, materials, and methods of the study. Provide detailed information on how the patient's diagnosis was confirmed and analyzed. If the focus is on experimental methods, be specific and ensure reproducibility. The subjects should be selected from the same group, and you should explain why the chosen method is suitable for the study and the criteria for its selection. Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex and gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.
    • 3) Results: Present the study's results in a clear and logical manner. For experiments involving biological measurements with significant variation, apply statistical analysis. If tables are included, avoid duplicating their contents in the paper. Instead, focus on describing important trends and key points. Provide an objective description of only those results that are relevant to the study's purpose.
    • 4) Discussion: Discuss the study's results and their interpretation in relation to other relevant material. Emphasize new and important observations and avoid duplicating the content of the introduction or results. Describe the implications and limitations of your observations and try to relate your conclusions to the purpose of the study as much as possible. In the final paragraph, present conclusions based on the results. Indicate whether the results are consistent with your aims or hypotheses and highlight any new and important observations. Assess the validity and accuracy of the author's results by comparing them to the findings of other researchers. Avoid including irrelevant textbook facts. Additionally, address any shortcomings and limitations of the study.
    • 5) Conclusion: The conclusion should be derived from the results and discussion, aligning with the objectives of the study. It should not simply be a summary of the results. Alternatively, the conclusion can be omitted if the findings are summarized later in the paper.
  • References
    The references should be listed refer to Citing Medicine (2nd edition) from the National Library of Medicine (
    • ① References should be listed at the end of the manuscript, using Arabic numerals in the order they are cited in the text.
    • ② All references should be written in English.
    • ③ The journal names should be abbreviated using the authorized abbreviations from Index Medicus (MEDLINE).
    • ④ In the case of co-authorship, all authors should be listed if there are six or fewer. If there are seven or more authors, only the first three names should be listed followed by "et al."
    • ⑤ The author's name should be capitalized, using only the first letter of the last name.
    • ⑥ Page numbers for the cited references should be recorded, indicating the beginning and end of the page range.
    • ⑦ The number of references should be limited to 40 for original articles, 60 for review articles, and 10 for case reports.
    • ⑧ The authors are primarily responsible for reviewing the references.
    • ⑨ Appendices from magazines, online journals, and unpublished journals should be cited following the PubMed style.
    • ⑩ The format for references should be as follows.
      • - Journals: Park HS, Kim WJ, Kim YK, et al. Comparison of outcomes with arteriovenous fistula and arteriovenous graft for vascular access in hemodialysis: A prospective cohort study. Am J Nephrol 2016;43:120-128.
      • - Book: Author name. title. edition.: publisher, year
        Day RA. How to write and publish a scientific paper. 3rd ed.: Mc Graw-Hill, 2012
      • - When citing a chapter within a book: Author name. chapter title. In: editor. title of the book. edition.: publisher, year: page.
        Costa M, Jery S. History of diarrhea. In: Smith JR, ed. Medical history and perspective. Volume 1. 2nd ed.: Raven, 1987:1-40.
  • Table
    • ① The number of tables should not exceed seven.
    • ② Number the citations in the order they appear in the text.
    • ③ When using abbreviations, provide explanations at the bottom of the table.
    • ④ When using symbols, follow this sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡. Provide explanations for these symbols in the footnotes at the bottom of the table.
    • ⑤ Tables should be self-explanatory and easy to comprehend.
    • ⑥ Tables should be written using English and Arabic numerals. The table title should be clear and concise, without the use of articles.
    • ⑦ Tables from previously published papers cannot be used.
    • ⑧ All tables should be created as separate entities from the main text.
  • Figure
    • ① Each figure should be submitted as a separate file. The figures should be clear and sharp in either black or color. If the image quality is not suitable for publication, the editorial board may request modifications. The size and resolution of the figures are directly related to the qualitative level of the figures when the paper is printed, so please ensure compliance with the submission guidelines. Pay particular attention to not submitting figures that are too small in size.
    • ② Graphs and charts should have a resolution of at least 600 dpi, while halftone images (such as CT and MRI scans) or color photographs should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
    • ③ If there are multiple images with the same number, use alphabetical letters after the Arabic numeral to indicate them (e.g., Fig. 1A, Fig. 1B).
    • ④ The figure descriptions should start with a phrase that includes personal information, diagnosis, etc., followed by a present tense English sentence describing the visible observations in the photo (e.g., Fig. 1A shows...).
      Descriptions of observations or procedures not evident in the figure should be written in the past tense.
    • ⑤ It is recommended to add clear and easy-to-understand arrows or arrowheads to indicate the observations in the photo. Additionally, for microscope images, remember to record the magnification.
    • ⑥ Each figure should be assigned the same figure number for one patient, and different patients' photos should not be included under the same photo number. If it is necessary to differentiate the types of figures within one patient's case report, different figure numbers can be used.
    • ⑦ For line drawings, use a white background with black lines. The lines should be clear and professional. If quoting a previously published photo, written consent from the original author must be obtained.
    • ⑧ If needed, the author's opinion on the arrangement of figures can be included.
    • ⑨ Figures within the same number should be made in the same size.
    • ⑩ Figure legends should be written in clear and concise English and placed at the end of the manuscript to ensure understanding of the content.

III. Manuscripts other than original articles

With the exception of the following, the general guidelines for manuscript preparation are the same as those for original articles.

  • Review article
    A review article is a type of scholarly paper that synthesizes existing research on a specific topic. It is commissioned by the editorial board for publication. The format of a review article allows for flexibility in content, but it should not exceed 5,000 words excluding references.
  • Case report
    - Title: Follow the regulations of the original.
    - Abstract: The English abstract should be within 200 words and written concisely without any specific format.
    - Keywords: Include up to 3 important words related to the case report.
    - Introduction: Clearly describe only the content relevant to the purpose of the case report.
    - Case: Describe only concise and directly relevant information to the case.
    - Discussion: Avoid lengthy literature reviews and focus on specific aspects emphasized by the case. The word count should not exceed 1,500 words, excluding references.
    - References: Limit the number of references to 10 or fewer.
  • Letter to editor
    You can provide constructive criticism or opinions on specific papers published in academic journals, as well as express general interests or personal opinions on specific topics.
  • All submitted manuscripts undergo a review process by two or more experts in the relevant field, who may be reviewers or members of the editorial board. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the suitability of the manuscripts for publication. Based on the review results, a decision is made regarding the acceptance of the manuscript. Authors are then provided with recommendations for revisions and improvements.
  • The manuscript undergoes a double-blind peer review process by two reviewers. The possible outcomes are as follows: ① acceptance, ② revision and publication, ③ revision and re-review, ④ rejection. The editorial board may, if necessary, make corrections, additions, or deletions to parts of the manuscript that are within the scope of the editing policy without affecting the original content.
  • Peer review and acceptance of manuscripts: Manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis, with the submission date recorded as the date it is received by the editor-in-chief. Two or more reviewers appointed by the editorial board review the submitted manuscripts to assess their suitability for publication. Based on the results, the authors may be asked to revise or improve the manuscript before a final decision on publication is made by the editorial board. Once a manuscript passes the review process and is accepted, it undergoes at least one round of proofreading by the authors before being proofread by the editor-in-chief.
  • Publication and printing process: The editorial board makes the final decision on the publication and order of reviewed manuscripts, which are then printed by the publisher. Authors are required to submit a revised version within two months of receiving the review results notification. However, if more time is needed, permission must be obtained from the publishing director in advance. During the printing process, the corresponding author is responsible for requesting any necessary corrections. It is important to carefully review the manuscript for errors or discrepancies in the title, authorship, affiliation, etc., and ensure compliance with the submission guidelines. Any errors or mistakes discovered after printing are the responsibility of the authors.
Editorial Board of the Journal of Innovative Medical Technology
Editor-in-Chief : Gwang Ha Kim
415, 5-15, Seongji 5-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Telephone: 070-8691-1705
Journal of Innovative Medical Technology
Nov 30, 2024 Vol.2 No.2, pp. 29~79

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